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Trapped in the moulds you create for yourself; Femininity Vs Masculinity (2019 - 2020)

My project focuses on the feeling of being ‘trapped’ in a specific gender and looks at the stereotypes around masculinity & femininity. In society there are certain standards that can make someone a “man” or a “woman”, but what happens when the feminine and the masculine emerge and become one? My aim is to show that by combining this stereotypical aesthetics, one needn’t be a man or a woman in order to comfortably wear them. I have looked at the idea of masculinity and femininity through clothing. Voluminous and extravagant garments, masks and armour covering the body/face or parts of it and movement through clothing. Through working with ceramics and metal wire, my aim is for the work to be a celebration and embracing of one’s true self, without categorisation or fixed identity.

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